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Recipe: Delicious Stew Beef

Stew Beef.

Stew Beef You can cook Stew Beef using 8 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Stew Beef

  1. It's cubes of Beef.
  2. You need Half of red capsicum.
  3. Prepare Half of yellow capsicum.
  4. Prepare 2 of tomatoes.
  5. You need of Black pepper.
  6. It's Half of onion.
  7. Prepare of Oyster sauce.
  8. It's of Tomato sauce.

Stew Beef instructions

  1. Saute onion until soft then add beef.Mix them then add.oyster sauce black pepper and one cup of water.Let.it simmer until beef will.become tender.When.beef is almost done.Open the cover and add tomatoes and capsicum.Mix well then cook until done..

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